Required Caulking Estimation (Material Only)
Is it possible to derive an estimated caulk quantity since the program already asks for default width caulk joints (Framing System) and develops a perimeter value (Elevation Overview)?
The depth and width can be derived from user's default caulk joints. Then the program calculates the projected linear feet values as a 'constant'. Refer to attachment: Linear Caulk Projection Chart (LCPC).
Framing System Tabs NEEDED:
Tabs: Caulk Size (10 vs 20 oz)
Tabs: Depth (1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2")
I.e. Elevation Example (NEGATES Optimizing Yield)
Perimeter Value (PV)=50' (Derived by Program)
Caulk Size(CS)= Sausage (20 oz)
Depth (D)=1/4"
Width (W)=3/8"
Projected Linear Feet (PLF)=36' (Derived by LCPC)
Formula: PV/PLF=QTY REQUIRED or 50'/36'=1.388 Sg
I.e. Elevation Example (OPTIMIZES Yield)
Total PV (TPV)=5000' (Derived by Program)
CS= Sausage (20 oz)
PLF=36' (Derived by LCPC)
Formula: TPV/PLF=QTY REQUIRED or 5000'/36'=138.88 Sg
*Leave cost values blank for user to fill in.*